Joyce Cunningham Scholarship Are you enrolled in an accredited University? YesNo Are you related to an active, member in good standing or the NJ Chapter of ASSE? YesNo Do you have a GPA between 2.50 – 4.00? YesNo Applicant Information Full Name: Street Address: City/Town: State: Zip Code: E-mail Address: Phone Number: ASSE Member Name: ASSE Member Number: Relationship to Member: Education Name of college/university: GPA: Major: Organizations involved with: Class Standing: (by credits) FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate Experience Are you currently employed? YesNo Describe your role and experiences gained for your work experienced: Describe your extracurricular activities such as volunteer work: Further Requirements Submit a brief biography about your interest, hobbies, and/or work experience Submit a copy of your current transcript Submit a reference letter from the relative associated with the ASSE Submit a reference letter from a high school teacher, University Professor, University Department Head, or Supervisor at a current job