Ted Brickley and Bernice Shikora Scholarship Are you enrolled in an accredited University majoring in a related EHS major? YesNo Are you a full time or part time undergraduate or graduate? YesNo Do you have a GPA between 2.50 – 4.00? YesNo Do you have a GPA above a 3.0 in environmental or safety courses on a 4.0 scale? YesNo Are you a New Jersey resident or attend a college in the State of New Jersey? YesNo Applicant Information Full Name: Street Address: City/Town: State: Zip Code: E-mail Address: Phone Number: Education Name of college/university: GPA: Major: Organizations involved with: Class Standing: (by credits) FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate Experience Are you currently employed? YesNo Describe your role and experiences gained for your work experienced: Describe your extracurricular activities such as volunteer work: Further Requirements Submit a brief biography about your interest, hobbies, and/or work experience Submit a copy of your current transcript Submit a reference letter from a high school teacher, University Professor, University Department Head, or Supervisor at a current job